Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I appreciate and welcome all input on these matters. As this was a short article, it was not intended to flesh out every nuance of the white progressive or to necessarily offer ways to "improve the world," and I can see how it would read as self-indulgent or self-congratulatory. These scene were a snapshot from the days following George Floyd's murder six blocks away and what my neighborhood looked like in the aftermath.
I did, however, highlight a comment that I wanted to address. I 100% agree with you (and never stated) that people should ignore the race of anyone else. Race is extremely important when considering and understanding the lives of people as individuals and communities and I will belabor this point with anyone. I absolutely do not prescribe to the whitewashed view of MLK Jr.
Despite the fact that I might be viewed as a "but I have Black friends" person, I will say that your suggestion that I make friends of all races and ethnicities is unnecessary. I have several of these people in my life, not as mere acquaintances or coworkers, but genuine dear friends who share their lives with my family and mine with theirs.
Beyond this, you really have NO clue about what I'm involved in in this community and there is really no way you would, or should, assume that you know from this short essay.